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The Bombastic Snobs Alex Ayers Alex Ayers Daniel Pantomime Daniel Pantomime Devis Holbly Devis Holbly
We're a bunch of hipsters that dabble in prompt magic.

A media company is, at its core, a search for beauty. Early on, this meant manually finding talent.

As the internet grew, an engine emerged:

  • Users are drawn in by quality
  • They vote on the quality of other media
  • Quality media becomes more discoverable
  • Repeat

Platforms like Reddit and YouTube flourished by surfacing great content. But over time, marketing skewed this process. Instead of helping users find what they love, algorithms prioritized what companies wanted them to see. Engagement numbers were manipulated, and discovery became less about quality and more about influence.

As a result, people moved to smaller, more authentic communities. Meanwhile, platforms kept chasing metrics, mistaking artificial engagement for success.

This shift led to diskrot.

diskrot is an engine built to resist manipulation:

  • Our editorial team selects strong curators
  • Curators find and support artists
  • Quality media becomes more discoverable
  • Repeat

Consensus is dead.

-- diskrot team

"Coming Soon"